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Congratulations to Carlene Shackelford For Identifying Mystery Person #17

Dr. Ern Begley

Dr. Ern Begley was born in Hyden, Kentucky.  The Begley family was among the first settlers in Hyden.  Dr. Begley's grandfather was a former County Judge and Sheriff in Leslie County.  His father, W. G. Begley, was in the mercantile business and had interests in lumber and coal.  In 1920, his father moved to Hazard and established the Reliable Services Grocery, in the spot that later housed the Physicians Building on Main Street.  After W. G. sold out the grocery, he became associated with Hardesty's Clothing Store, in the spot later occupied by Watsons next to Taxi Alley.  Dr. Begley's father also served as Police Judge for the city of Hazard.  Ern Begley attended school first in Hyden, then at Buckhorn.  He obtained his college education in Berea College and Louisville Dental College.  After graduating from dental college in 1926 he opened up his first office  in Lothair.  A year later, his business burned so he moved to Main Street in Hazard where he remained for decades.  His dentist office was located in the Fuller-Fouts building.  Among his business interests, Ern was a member of the Begley Realty Company, which owned property at Big Bottom (East Main Street) including the Hazard Clinic Building.  Along with his younger brothers, Mark and Carl, he owned the Begley Drug Company (later known as Huff Drug on East Main).  He was associated with Mrs. Emma Eversole in ownership of 700 acres of coal land in Leslie County.  He was a stockholder in the Hazard Bombers baseball team.   Dr. Begley married Virginia Bunch of Lexington and they had two children - Hallie Jean and W. G. Begley.  Ern Begley died on December 15th 1961.  Congratulations to Carlene Shackelford of Hazard for correctly identifying Mystery Person #17.

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