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Mary Jo Gregory Edwards, Carmel, Indiana, has Identified Mystery Person #33

Callie Margaret Combs was born in 1891.  Her son - Doug, was Mayor of Hazard.  Her other son, Marcus, was also in politics.  Her grandson - Doug Combs Jr., was the former Perry County Circuit Judge.  Callie's daughter - Pauline Beams, was married to Don Beams, owner of Beams Electric.  Callie's  father died when she was very young and she and her brothers entered a Masonic Home.  It was there that she studied and learned everything from music to sewing to bookkeeping.  She continued her education at Hazard Baptist Institute and at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Ky.  In 1910 - she helped organize the first chapter of order of the Eastern Star, Chapter 145 in Hazard.  She served as Worthy Matron of the order.  Callie organized the first Sunday School class at Saul, Ky.  In 1913 - Callie married Dishman Combs, a prominent Hazard Dentist.  The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. A. S. Petrey.  They lived on East Main Street.  During her years as a housewife and mother of three children, she was an active member of the Medical Auxiliary which was composed of wives of doctors and dentists.  Callie became a teacher and taught many people to read and write.  She provided assistance in receiving Social Security and other government aides.  Her husband, Dishman, died on October 31st 1940 of a cerebral hemorrhage.  He was only 54 years old.  His funeral was held at the First Baptist Church in Hazard.  Callie later lived on Main Street.  She died on December 13th 1978 at the age of 87.  Her funeral was also held at the First Baptist Church. 

Thanks for guessing!

My Mother belonged to the Eastern Star and I tried to think of members she might have known and mentioned and also one who would have been about five years older than my Mother.  I have not lived in Hazard since l955, but the town is still near and dear to my heart.  I truly love the Mystery Person part.  THANKS !!  Mary Jo Gregory Edwards, Carmel, IN

Is this person Letty Steele?  Sounds a lot like her.  Sherry Smith, Airport Gardens

I've gone up one side of East Main and down the other.  I have several that I think it could be but I am going to guess Mrs. Ben Fitzpatrick. How many guesses do we get?  Ida Lee Hansel, Spartanburg, SC

I have racked my brain but can't find the person I want.  She must have had a husband who was a physician, but who?  Must have lived around the Chavies or Buckhorn area to have started a Sunday School class at Saul.  Waiting for more red clues.  Elizabeth Duncan, Hazard, KY

I have exhausted my leads, contacts, etc., and no one has been able to put a name to this mystery person, so I am going to guess Mrs. Paul Petrey.   Ida Lee Hansel, Spartanburg, SC

Wild guess:  Is the Mystery Person Lula Hale?  Carlene Shackelford, Hazard, KY

Could it be Grace Holliday Strong?  Judy Combs, Hazard, KY

For some reason I have this lady on my mind.  I am talking about Mrs. Barney Baker (not Margie, but the one who lived in Woodland Park).  I'll be waiting for the red clues if someone else doesn't guess.  Ida Lee Hansel, Spartanburg, SC


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