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George Pendleton in Houston, Texas has identified Mystery Person #26

Millard Alcorn Sr. was born and raised in Estill County near Irvine, Kentucky on April 10, 1895.  He attended school there until he landed his first job with the L & N Railroad at the age of eighteen.  While working in Lee County M. H. Alcorn Sr. met and married Nannie Pendleton.  During the over forty-nine years he worked for the L & N, he served many stations from Winchester to Fleming-Neon, as an agent, yardmaster, and agent - operator.  He retired from his service with the company at the North Hazard Yards in 1962.  That year he became secretary of the Hazard Presbyterian Church where he was a member for 45 years.  Millard was the father of M. H. Alcorn Jr., who was Vice President of Citizens Bank in Hazard.  Millard and Nannie Alcorn lived at 601 Oakhurst Avenue in Hazard.  M. H. Alcorn Sr. died in 1978.

Mystery Person #26 is M. H. Alcorn, Sr.  His wife, Nannie, was a sister to my grandfather, Hamp Pendleton.  I always loved to go see "Uncle Millard & Aunt Nannie."  He was probably the kindest person I ever knew--a real gentleman.  He and my Dad were members of the Kiwanis Club there at home, and I remember Dad would pick up Uncle Millard most every Tuesday night to go to the meeting at Don's (Restaurant).  Uncle Millard's son was M H Alcorn, Jr. who was with the Citizen's Bank all his life.  Aunt Nannie was a great cook---I can remember going to her house for big family dinners.  She had two  sisters--Bertha Pendleton and Matt McKinney who lived close-by and three brothers--Hamp (my grandfather) and Billy who lived just up the street from her, and Arch who lived in Daytona Beach for a while then retired in Lexington.  George Pendleton, Houston, Texas

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