George Pendleton in Houston, Texas has identified Mystery Person #26
Mystery Person #26 is M. H. Alcorn, Sr. His wife, Nannie, was a sister to my grandfather, Hamp Pendleton. I always loved to go see "Uncle Millard & Aunt Nannie." He was probably the kindest person I ever knew--a real gentleman. He and my Dad were members of the Kiwanis Club there at home, and I remember Dad would pick up Uncle Millard most every Tuesday night to go to the meeting at Don's (Restaurant). Uncle Millard's son was M H Alcorn, Jr. who was with the Citizen's Bank all his life. Aunt Nannie was a great cook---I can remember going to her house for big family dinners. She had two sisters--Bertha Pendleton and Matt McKinney who lived close-by and three brothers--Hamp (my grandfather) and Billy who lived just up the street from her, and Arch who lived in Daytona Beach for a while then retired in Lexington. George Pendleton, Houston, Texas |
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Mystery #28 Mystery #27 Mystery #25 Mystery # 24
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